Friday, April 25, 2008

Glen Beck and the Anti-Christ

Is it possible the prognosticators of doom have gotten it all wrong and the “Anti-Christ” isn’t a person at all but a powerful world-wide organization?

Is it possible that organized religion is the “Anti-Christ” that demagogues and snake oil salesmen masquerading as radio talk show hosts, authors, prophets and preachers have been warning everyone about for so long?


During the tenure of organized religion on this small remote planet, untold millions have been slaughtered in the name of God or whatever deity was in vogue at the time.

Case in point, during the middle and dark ages when Christianity held temporal authority over the west, the misery was so great and death so prolific that western civilization barely survived.

The history of religion is a literal catalog of horrors: Driven by greed, lust, ignorance and superstition, organized religion has done everything in its power to halt the progress of humanity, of science, of the betterment of the world in order to maintain its sway over all the peoples of the Earth. Or, that is to say it’s wealth and power. Promoting the kingdom of heaven has always paid very well for those in charge.

No crime, no act torture, no amount of depravity is beyond the religious warrior because as the Christians said during the middle ages: “God wills it.”

So the religious machine grinds on into the present day.

Christian’s killing Muslims.

Muslim’s killing Jews and Christians.

Jew’s killing Muslims with the enthusiastic help of Christians who provide Israel with 5+ billion taxpayer dollars of foreign (i.e. pronounced “military) aid each and every year.

Because of flag-waving, holy-book-thumping, flag-pin-wearing sociopaths who portray themselves as the acme of piety and wholesomeness, we live in a world soaked in blood and misery because one people’s version of the Creator is not the same as another’s.

And the tragedy is compounded when rational people uninfected by this virus, this madness, are ridiculed simply for showing us a world without superstition, without ignorance, without fear.

Without religion.

“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”

We don’t need to look very hard to find the Anti-Christ: It’s already here and it has been for a long, long time.